Monday, July 3, 2017

Getting it moving early

    So this week is  a trial run of living with my girlfriend for a week; it's to get a base idea of what it might be like to live together and move in. We plan on moving in together in October. Of course we haven't officially said we're going to yet, I don't see why we wouldn't.
     Today is day number one of that, and so far it's been great. Especially for our work schedule differences. She has to get up early for work which helps me to get out of bed and get going in the morning. So far it's helped me to get a lot more accomplished. Look I'm even posting on my Blog!
     The code has been going pretty well. I finally completed by local weather application and now I think I'm going to get back into some hardcore lessons on doing react and node.js. Once I have a good handle on those I feel like I'll be ready to go ahead and get a junior developer job. Although the time to start applying is now from what my mentor told me. I need to make some cold calls to start with but that'll be when I've finished my porfolio which I only need to add a couple JavaScript images to. So much work I still have to do, but I'm looking forward to it. It's exciting to have gotten bit by the code bug as Steve would call it. I'm getting to the point where I'm thinking about writing code a lot more in my everyday life. I've even got my girlfriend to help me come up with website ideas to make for cool websites to make.
     Anyways that's enough for today. I'm going to try and update this thing at least 3 times a week and stay at it regularly. maybe I'll add in a daily goals section, A gratitude section, and an improvement section. I think that would be helpful. Anyways that's all folks.

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