Monday, June 26, 2017

Long needed update

     Well, back at it again. I haven't kept up with this at all like I should have been. I feel much more confident in my programming skills. I've still been working on JavaScript and also a couple of other projects. I've found that my passion really revolves around building things. The learning out of books and websites is great, but I can't really get passionate about it unless I'm actually building things.

     That being said I'm working on three things right now, my portfolio webpage, a local weather application, and a random quote generator. I put them off for a little while but when I get something working in them it feels so good. I've put the most work in on the weather app because it interests me the most. The quote generator mostly just needs some CSS work to get it cleaned up and looking nice. The weather app needs a lot of CSS work and it will start looking really pretty.

    It seems to me that CSS is now my biggest struggle, not the actual doing of it but finding the motivation to actually do it. It feels like the grinding part of it, but just as with all the other programming I do starting is the hardest part. Once I get into it and actually start working on it, it really is a lot of fun. Mostly I'm just trying to finish some stuff so that I can have this portfolio finished and I can have something to show off.

   Well that seems about enough for today. Lets call it quits and get some more programming done!!

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