Wow, took me quite a while to get the portfolio up and running so you can actually view my projects. The random quote generator was pretty simple to add in and I had it done fairly quickly. The local weather app is what gave me problems, it took me 2 days to get it up and running.
It ran fine on my local machine, but did not on my website. The issue stemmed from a Mixed Content problem. I found that out by using the dev tools in google chrome, easy enough. Then I had to research the issue. After googling for a little bit I found what I thought to be the solution. The problem was that my website is https and the website I had sent an xmlhttp request to was in http. So now the problem was how to I go about switching it to an https request.
After more googling I figured I had two possibilities. One would be to re-write my code using a different API that was https. The other was to route all of the info into my javaScript using a different API to get the longitude and latitude. The real problem I was encountering was that chrome doesn't support unsecured connections when it is using one of its methods. For this project I was using geolocation.
I decided to do some more research before I jumped into either solution. The first would be a large undertaking and seeing as I'm trying to use the website currently to apply for jobs having that link down wouldn't be an option. Luckily I found another solution with just a little more research.
All I had to do was change the link I was sending out in the XMLHTTP request! By just adding on an s to http that was the original link I was able to avoid having any Mixed Content. Wow disaster averted. It felt great to finally have it figured out and working!
Moral of the story is more research is never a bad thing. But I still have to put in the work to hit on those new problems and ways of viewing the problem to come up with some better ideas. Also I need to document my code better. I can't remember why I originally put it as an http instead of https.
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