Thursday, February 22, 2018

Grinding and post interview

I have to keep up the grind! it feels good. I haven't lost my motivation because I can see the end of the tunnel. Let me back-step for a second.

I had an interview with LaunchCode on the 5th of this month. It went really well in my eyes. Afterwords my interviewer told me she thinks I'm ready for the next step. That they're going to start trying to match me with an internship! I've gotten really excited about this and in turn I've decided now is the time to step even harder on the gas pedal because I'm so close. 

I'm revamping my entire portfolio page in React with my new knowledge in SASS. Wow has Sass made CSS fun for me. It was a little complicated at first to get the 7:1 Schema (architecture) but after going through some tutorials, I was left  in awe. It works just like React, almost as if Sass was made for React. Now I'm having a blast styling my pages and seeing how much is out there to do with CSS.

One thing I never really thought of at the outset of this journey was the style implications. I never really thought about having to learn about primary colors, color scheams, design patterns and everything else involved with web design. Now I realize how much there is to learn just on the CSS side alone! I feel like I could spend the next 3 months focusing on CSS alone and only scratch the surface of all there is to be offered. I'm excited for the journey though. 

Even though I've been doing more CSS lately I haven't forgotten about the React and Redux side of things. Like always for me having a week away from the React side seems to have given my brain time to breath and soak all the information in. I now feel very comfortable with basic React webpages with navigation and the works. The state manipulation is even starting to make more sense to me through Redux.

All in all I feel like I've been really productive the past month and the sky's the limit. I'm going to just keep push and I know if I just keep learning improving and making projects there's no way I can be kept out of this industry. Have a great day everyone!

Tuesday, January 16, 2018

Hacker Space

Wow, I've just been to this place called Hacker Space in Tampa. It's a non profit with all sorts of everything for the public. Wood working, metal working, sewing, 3D printing etching equipment. So much for so many people. I just came for a meetup here and I can't believe this has been here for so long. I'm definitely going to be coming back here next week, I guess it's every Tuesday they have this meetup. It's a pretty neat place to be able to work at too. Even some people working on robotics which is where I might eventually want to get to.

In other news I've been trucking along on my Todo API and it's finally finished! It feels good to have it completed. The next step is to add a front end to it, which doesn't seem as if it's going to be nearly as hard as I was anticipating. That's actually what I'm working on tonight, putting all that together.

I've started my React course as well, and it's surprisingly much easier than I was anticipating. The class is going great and I'm learning so much about the framework. I think it will be easy to apply all the information to my API and get it fully up and running. My first big personal project I plan to get started on is a recipe box, a place to save all of your favorite youtube recipes. I;m sure it's probably been done before but it'll be good practice to help me grow and constantly improve.

I'm super excited to keep it moving!

Tuesday, January 9, 2018


I've been going at this Udemy class pretty handily. I've been getting stuck here and there and doing research to figure out these problems. It feels great when I'm able to research and figure out a problem. The class I've been taking really emphasizes that. He says that's what real programming is like so that's what I've been doing. It feels good to know that I've been building the skills I'll need to succeed at a real job. Everyday my confidence is growing with how well this is panning out. I'm about to put about 5 hours a day on average to my code , and although at sometimes it feels difficult and hard to continue I just keep pushing.

What's been helping me a lot is listening to motivational speakers. When I hear them talk about going after it and chasing my dreams it really helps me out. I liked Arnold Schwarzenegger a lot. He talked about having goals and purposes. He talks about hard work and dedication and being happy with what you are doing. Why wouldn't I be happy if I have the opportunity to chase my dreams and increase my knowledge on a daily basis. It's wonderful. Even when I get stuck I know the next day I'll come back to it and it'll be that much easier to understand. The other one is Dwayne Johnson. He talks about hard work. I love when he says "we call it clangin' and bangin'" he's talking about the gym but that's what I'm doing with my keyboard! The other thing he says is that there is absolutely no substitute for hard work. That is what makes me keep moving even if I'm not feeling it. Hard work pays off no matter what. If I put in the time I will get better. I may fail, but I will always grow. That's why I'm going to keep working hard.